Lose the Fat and Keep the Muscle

In a perfect world, all people would maintain a healthy weight. This is not a perfect world and the reality is that overweight, obesity and diabetes are all on the rise.


For many, it is because they have more fat than muscle, and fat doesn’t burn calories nearly as efficiently as muscle.

What if there was a healthy weight loss program that builds muscle while losing fat and inches?

We are all in luck because there is such a program. It is centered around leucine that builds and repairs muscle tissue, but has other beneficial attributes. This is the program that builds good health while we lose fat and inches. It includes ingredients that help improve the body’s ability to burn fat, and improves our metabolic rate.

Let’s have a look at the components:

1- First there is a protein shake powered by leucine. Leucine helps us retain the muscle that burns calories much more efficiently than does fat. Now don’t be turned off by the word shake. This is not a protein shake like any other. First, it has leucine. We can’t say enough about leucine because most diets fail when dieters lose muscle every time they diet. To build fat in the body when trying to lose weight is not acceptable. Then there is the taste. Four flavors are all delicious and filling. The shake that actually holds you, satisfied, until the next meal is a winner!

The shakes are my absolute favorite part of this weight loss program. I am actually using it as a weight management program now since I have attained my desired weight. The shakes are so important to me because of the way they make me feel. Having a balanced blood sugar level to start the day is so beneficial in the form of energy, alertness, and an overall sense of well-being (feeling balanced). Plus I like the taste so much that I tend to crave it, and I can feel a difference if I don’t start my day with a protein shake.

2- Part of this program is a vitamin boost. The name describes the extra ingredient inside this high quality multi-vitamin. It has a glucose regulator inside that helps maintain balanced blood sugar levels. This helps energy levels while cutting calories.

3- There are meal bars and snack bars, also containing leucine. Meal bars can be substituted for a shake. It is recommended in the beginning to have 2 meals that are part of the program and then one other healthy meal. This can be accomplished by a shake and a meal bar or two shakes each day. Meal bars have 20 grams of protein, are available in 2 flavors, and the peanut butter chocolate chip is my favorite. The snack bars have 10 grams and come in three yummy flavors that can be used in between meals.

4- Another great addition is the tea that you can sip on throughout the day. There are two kinds: one is a green tea that contains egcg that helps boost metabolism. The other is a pomegranate flavored tea that is made up of three kinds of tea. There is red tea, white tea (like a baby green tea), and a special type of Japanese ceremonial green tea that contains ingredients that help improve our metabolism. I like both flavors and enjoy drinking it over ice.

5- Rounding out the program are some special tools. A pedometer is included so that you can wear it to help track the 10000 steps per day that is recommended as exercise to compliment the program.
A software program that you can personalize helps you plan healthy food choices and includes specific suggestions about what you should eat and helpful meal plans. There is also a website where you can interact with others for support and motivation.

This healthy weight loss program that builds good health is the result of years of scientific research and testing. We benefit from the long legacy of scientific excellence that this brand has enjoyed. But the bottom line is: does the program work? It is for many and it will for you!

If you haven’t already, opt in here and you will get two audio presentations and a power point document about healthy weight loss, including leucine and inch loss.

Healthy Weight Loss