A great big welcome to The Best Kept Secret. How is a company a Leader in the Health and Wellness Field for over 60 YEARS, and not yet a household name?
I like to think a big reason for that is because they don’t spend their money on advertising and DO spend it on Scientific Research, Clinical Studies, and Quality Ingredients that provide you with products that give you the RESULTS you want in your body or in your home. This includes Natural products minus the harmful chemicals and additives in many brands.
Another reason that you may not have heard of this company and its wonderful products is because the marketing method chosen fifty years ago was a ‘person-to-person’ program of sharing one on one. Of course this way will take a long time to reach everyone! But it does help explain the uniqueness of the products, their efficacy and 100% guarantee.
Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means we receive compensation, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using the links provided. We appreciate your support so much!
This company – and its products – have changed my life, the lives of my family members, and countless people all over the United States and beyond (in 7 countries).
The products are created In Harmony With Nature – I love that because it is how we can feel healthy and as close to nature as we were made to be.
If you are interested in evaluating a home-based business opportunity in the wellness industry, where you make a difference in everyone’s life that you touch, I invite you to read this page and the links provided to learn more.
The founder was a very special doctor who was a man far ahead of his time. It is interesting to note what he talked about as long as 100 years ago – like ‘vitamins’ and ‘biodegradeable’ – were only accepted many years later. His commitment was to never make a product that would harm even ONE CELL in a person’s body. That is a very impressive and unique thing and one that I am thankful of and proud of every day as I use and represent these products.
The American Dream was founded on the idea that anyone can create something, based on their entrepreneurial spirit. Anyone can have a business if they so desire.
If that business happens to be in an industry that is pretty much guaranteed to grow for decades, the wellness industry, all the better. People want to feel better, and they are starting to connect the dots that choices are in their power.
What we get when we endorse Shaklee products is all the research that is needed to help people live healthier. And we have a 100% guarantee to offer anyone interested in trying Shaklee wellness products.
In the news recently was shocking statements about chemicals in cleaning products negatively impacting people’s health. Shaklee has known and addressed that since the 1960’s, with personal care and home cleaning products that are natural and non-toxic.
My family and I experienced such great results from the nutrition products, the personal care products, and the home products, that we decided to become Entrepreneurs and start our own business sharing Shaklee products with other families so that they could get healthier as well.
- #1 Natural Nutrition Company in the United States
- Goal to be the best Wellness Company in the world
- Products that are Unique and are Guaranteed to Deliver Results
- Pioneered selling through people, providing financial earning opportunity
- Job opportunities at a time when there is real need for income
- Very low financial investment to get started
- Sustainable, stable income generated from consumable products
- Do not trade time for money – build a real business with residual income
- Investment of Time, Heart, Passion and Caring for Other People Required
The natural nutrition brand we recommend here on the blog are products we have personally used for the past 43+ years. We are not medical professionals. We are on a personal health journey to live younger, energized and healthy longer.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.