Do you need a home business? We said, ‘Yes!’ and are so happy we did.
The benefits of starting a home business are great. In essence, you earn another source of income which is, especially right now, something so many people need.
Starting a home-based business means that you have a way to earn extra income every single month, working from anywhere – even your phone.
Do extra expenses every month – like going to the doctor, or a call to the plumber that results in a $700 setback, or your car breaks down (there are always those extra bills popping up!) – prevent you from getting ahead?
Want to pay for activities or experiences for your kids? Sports, dance or other activities. How about fun family time and vacations. Regular monthly bills that are getting harder to pay. College tuition. A new car. Add to your savings.
Pay off your credit cards. Supplement your retirement. Medical bills. Bucket List Travel. Donate to a favorite charity.
Your reason is unique to you. Just know that it is easier now than ever before in our history to start something of your own.
Whether your goal (or need) is to start earning income right away, or it is to start something where you can be the boss, or it is to make a difference in your part of the world, you can make the decision and commit to putting in the work.
1) We are in the health and wellness business at a time when people are (more than ever) concerned about their health, and wanting to improve their immune system.
2) We have a home business partnership where you can get paid a percentage of sales and get paid weekly. In the age of affiliate marketing, we have a tremendous affiliate opportunity.
There is lots of information for you to evaluate on this page and the pages we have linked, and then we encourage you to call, email, or text us to discuss or get any questions you have answered.
Click the image below and evaluate the Ambassador opportunity.

We are pretty passionate about our partner brand, Shaklee, and how both the products and the business help so many people, because we have lived it for so long (over 43 years). And what’s also great is that the barrier to entry, to try this home business for yourself, is so low.
All that is really required to get started is a small business fee and to choose one product to experience so you get to know the brand. No large investment. No employees. No overhead.
Why start a side business in 2025?
1. You can start your own business quickly and easily.
2. You can get everything you need to build a real business for a minimal cost.
That’s right, a very small business fee that makes you a small business owner, and includes your own store website for 3 whole months.
Owning your own business means that you work when you want, where you want, how you want, and with who you want. In other words, you call the shots – and you are building something for yourself! But you do have to put in some WORK!
You are invited to read through this page to learn more. The DETAILS for taking action are at the very bottom. This page contains affiliate links that we use every day.
So what is this business and why start a side business?
Here’s a 45 second intro:
The Age of Entrepreneurship
Today, you can start something of your own, on the side, that doesn’t interfere with your day job that pays the bills.
Or, if you are a work-from-home parent or retired and need more income, or want to build something of your own for purpose or for extra income, there has never been a better time to start.
This is the kind of business that you RETIRE INTO – not out of. It is your own – where you work from home, when you want, how you want, and why you want.
You don’t need big capital to start.
You can run a business from your smart phone if you want (people run million dollar businesses from their phone).
Click the image below and then the ‘Be an Ambassador

The Best Home Based Business We Know
Are you looking for any of the following:
- Something that won’t interfere with what you are doing now.
- A second income to help with your WHY.
- Some additional income to do the extra things your primary job doesn’t cover.
- An opportunity to start something on the side that will build wealth.
- Something to work at in order to make a difference in the world.
- Starting a business that you control and enjoy.
These are some of the reasons why people just like you ‘lean a little closer’ to find out more information.
And where you do make a difference in the lives of others: helping them create a healthier life.
You are in business FOR yourself, but not BY yourself. It is a $180 billion industry that started back in the 1940’s so it has plenty of longevity; and it works because people like you and me keep it working and because the products are superior.
The Best Opportunity
When you look at a brand to partner with, it’s important to do your due diligence on all of these:
- Products: PROVEN, safe, effective, unique, and with the Shaklee brand – provide remarkable results.
- Integrity: Shaklee is a leader in the nutrition industry as well as a leader in their mission of responsibility for our environment.
- Longevity: will the company be around next month – Shaklee has a 100 year legacy and really just getting started!
- Compensation: one of the best in the industry, rewarding you for the work you do, creating over 1000 millionaires and paying $8 billion dollars in income.
You can check all of these boxes with Shaklee.
You can work your business on the go, whenever you have a few minutes to spare. And it can all be from your phone if you choose.
The right product plus the right income potential plus the most convenient technology to run your business = an entrepreneur opportunity that starts to pay you right away.
Click the image below and then the ‘Be an Ambassador’ link in the green box on next page.

We used Shaklee products for 17 years before we decided to build a business helping other people be healthier, and look and feel younger. You might say we are late bloomers, but any time is a good time to start to network more.
We can’t imagine life without our Shaklee products that we use every single day, and we shouldn’t be keeping them a secret. You will feel the same way when you start to experience their value.
Starting your own Shaklee business in 2024 is brand new now that Shaklee will pay their distributors a percentage of the sales they make – the way many people want to be paid.
On June 1, 2024, Shaklee introduced a brand new Shaklee Compensation Plan.
With it, you have the opportunity to start a business, make a sale, and get paid the next week. In fact you can continue to get GET PAID WEEKLY on a percentage of your sales. This compensation is something that has never been offered before with our brand and it’s because people are wanting to earn income this way: where they know they are going to get a certain percentage of the sales they make.
There are also additional ways to earn and all of it is detailed in the compensation document. Many people want to start a business in a simple way and understand the basic way they will earn. The other compensation is icing on the cake!
When you partner with Shaklee to start your own business, not only are you living a healthier life if you choose to use these products you are selling, you are helping other people live a healthier life.
Contact us after you are finished reading and watching the videos. We would love to discuss with you.

Use the tools you like best:
- Offline (in person connections)
- Your Mobile Phone
- The Internet
- Telephone
- Webinars
- Live videos
We will train you for any of these. Here in 2024 you can run your business completely from your smart phone if you choose – Shaklee’s new technology has leapfrogged this brand ahead of many of our competitors.
This business can also still be done the ‘old fashioned way’ if you are not looking for an all-digital business – chatting with people in ‘real life’.
That’s the great part about ‘your business’ – it’s yours to do any way you choose!
Dr. Shaklee created this business model over 100 years ago, where you build ongoing (residual) income – money that comes in month after month. That’s because:
- we represent consumable products to very loyal customers who use the products and then reorder month after month
- new people start buying each month (and stay with us an average of 17 years!)
Your Shaklee business, that continues to produce income forever, is also a legacy business because you can leave it to your kids or grandkids or whoever you choose.
The Health and Wellness Industry is Exploding!
Click the image below and then the ‘Be an Ambassador’ link in the green box on next page.

Evaluate How A Shaklee Home Based Business Can Change Your Life!
Products from the Shaklee brand are distributed through a social marketing business platform – where you own your own business – eliminating middle men, physical stores, and other overhead.
This gives individual people like you and I, who want to refer products and offer others the same, the opportunity to earn residual income – money that comes in month after month when loyal customers who love this brand re-order consumable products.
How to Start? Click Business on Your Own Terms:
(and then the ‘Be an Ambassador’ link in the green box on that page)
We have made starting your own business from home easier than ever before in our long history.
You can work a Shaklee business any way you choose.. go in full force or take it a bit slower. Either way, we, as your partner team, will help and support you.
Contact us any time to discuss or help!
Learn About A Shaklee Business
Shaklee products and business opportunity can change your life.
Click the image below and then the ‘Be an Ambassador’ link in the green box on next page.

A Shaklee business starts with your personal website.
Your personal website does a lot of the work for you. It will take orders. It will take payments. It will give access to customer service and Shaklee provides customer service on products, orders, questions or problems.
Look at our STORE WEBSITES – Shaklee distributors are given the opportunity to have one of these store websites so that people can visit and buy Shaklee products through your business.
You don’t take orders, ship products, exchange products, or handle them at all. That is all done FOR YOU.
Your main task is to share Shaklee products, offering the opportunity to try products that can change your life and that are 100% guaranteed (empty bottle guaranteed).
This business is driven on products that change people’s lives.
So many times people have said that they have taken vitamins for a very long time and don’t know whether they are helping or not. They don’t feel any different and maybe are struggling with some health challenges.
That is where we give the opportunity to try the Shaklee brand so they can evaluate how they feel after using them.
There are SO MANY positive experiences AND Shaklee has a very high customer retention rate.
Your Shaklee store website is mobile responsive and looks great on your phone.
Shaklee provides product information on each product page on your store website. You will be impressed with the written information, videos and images Shaklee has made to support all the products.
Your primary job in this business is to invite people to try Shaklee products, and, if you choose, offer people the opportunity to do what you are doing (you earn on those referrals).
Click around to get familiar with the site!
Personal Shaklee Website

Join Us: Home Based Business
That’s it. You are on your way to starting your business, and taking it wherever you choose!