Healthy Aging

Healthy Aging

List of Vitamins and Their Functions

Here is a list of vitamins and their functions so you can determine if you need to supplement with them. List of Basic Vitamins Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin B Vitamin C What are some basic functions of each vitamin? Vitamin A: one critical function is the formation of and maintenance of epithelial

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best supplements to take daily

What Vitamins Should I Take: A Beginners Guide

The vitamins that you take should be personalized to your specific health and wellness goals because your body is unique to any other. We believe that you start with a comprehensive multivitamin/multimineral supplement that provides a broad spectrum of the nutrients that your body needs every single day to stay healthy. After that you supplement

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how can i hydrate dry skin in winter

How Can I Hydrate My Dry Skin in Winter?

Winter is hard on skin. You can hydrate your skin by providing more moisture to it in two important ways. First, drinking water is essential to having healthy, hydrated skin. Second, you can give your skin more moisture with skin care products that are designed to attract moisture to your skin’s outer layers as well.

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Needak Rebounder healthy bounce for seniors

Rebounding: Health Bounce and Mini Trampoline Workout

Is A Rebounder the closest thing you can find to the Fountain of Youth? Rebounding on a mini trampoline is making a difference in our lives – only one month in (at the time writing this)! One thing that stood out in our research was the statement above. Here on we believe in Training

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stress relief

L Theanine Benefits for Anxiety and Stress

A certain amount of stress, along with the hormone cortisol, is normal and even OK for your health. It’s the ongoing, constant, chronic stress that’s not healthy. Our bodies were not built for constant stress, and that’s why so many people have stress related health struggles. Do you have stress in your life? And do

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feel and move younger

Learning How To Live and Move Younger Longer

Here on we are always talking about Living Younger Longer! What does that really mean though? One important part is how are you FEELING? Do you FEEL healthy and FEEL young – as you grow older? Or do you have aching joints and feel old?  If your joints hurt, or your bones ache, or you have

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