Digestion Problems of Aging, Including Reflux, Upset Stomach, Heartburn, Ulcers, Constipation, and Crohn’s Disease

When our digestive tracts are functioning properly, we feel a whole lot better than when we suffer from an upset stomach, reflux, heartburn, ulcers, constipation, Crohn’s Disease, or a host of other digestive illnesses. The body’s digestion system is so important for good health because it connects the nutrients in our body to our blood

Digestion Problems of Aging, Including Reflux, Upset Stomach, Heartburn, Ulcers, Constipation, and Crohn’s Disease Read More »

CBS 60 Minutes Resveratrol Ticket to Fountain of Youth

The CBS 60 Minutes show aired a special about anti-aging resveratrol back in January, 2009. This evening they updated the story. The laboratory research that began with mice and monkeys have moved to humans. First, there was a pre-diabetic group participating in resveratrol studies, and results were very positive. Right now there is a group

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How to Balance Hormones- Help Women Deal with Their Hormones

It seems you cannot turn on a news show without hearing about the latest research about hormones. There is research on how a woman’s hormone levels change during her life time. There is research on hormone replacement therapy. There is research in bio-identical hormone replacement. This is just the tip of the hormone research being

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How Menopause Vitamins and Nutrition Helped Me Sail Through Menopause

Guest post today by Nancy Cashman If you are a woman between the ages of 40-50 you are either getting ready to go through, or are in, menopause. I was 42 and started to experience irregular periods, hot flashes, insomnia, and fatigue. I knew through family and friends that there were differences between vitamins and

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Kids and Junk Food Not A Healthy Foundation

Today’s kids are faced with fast food choices and junk food because we live in a fast-paced lifestyle that often does not include meals centered around optimal nutrition. The majority of today’s children get 25% of their daily calories from junk food. Along with those calories are salt, preservatives and many other artificial ingredients. When

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Boost Your Immune System & Let Your Body Fight Invaders

The body has its own defense system called the immune system. You can boost your immune system, your first line of defense for everything from the common cold to serious disease like cancer, to fight invaders and disease. Having a healthy immune system helps us stay healthy. Finding healthy immune boosters will ensure the immune

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