Natural Supplements Seeking FDA Approval for Reducing Cholesterol


Before we discuss cholesterol regulation, a few words about supplements in general.

Natural supplements are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  According to the Mayo Clinic it is widely recognized that herbs have been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years and that they have not been scrutinized in the science and research field the same as medicines.

There are natural supplements that act like drugs and it is routine now for doctors to ask patients for a list of the vitamins and minerals you take.  There is the question of safety that is very important because of their unregulated status.  It is imperative to know and trust the company that makes the supplements you take.

Science and research is a primary focus of some natural nutrition companies and these are the brands that are making new discoveries and even searching for FDA approval.  Pharmaceutical grade supplements are available at this time as high quality, safe and effective choices to build good health, and as a result can improve certain health conditions.

If you have very high cholesterol your doctor will likely prescribe medication to lower it.  Many people have borderline cholesterol levels or numbers that are slowly creeping up.  Doctors may work with you in regard to healthier eating habits, exercise and natural supplements to help lower your cholesterol.

Many people do not like the side effects of cholesterol medications.  Once you get your cholesterol numbers to a certain level your doctor may be open to discuss using supplements and lifestyle factors to keep the numbers low.  Talk to your doctor about this and come up with a workable plan that you can live with.

Natural supplement brands target certain products to help lower cholesterol by helping to improve your good cholesterol and the overall ratio between good and bad cholesterol.  There are FDA approved claims for certain supplements, in specified amounts per serving and taken on a regular basis, indicating that they ‘may’ reduce the risk of heart disease.

But is there an FDA approved claim that a natural supplement can help reduce cholesterol?  There may be soon.  Watch this blog closely and in fact, come back within the week and see what news we have to share!

UPDATE:  Just posted talk sheet on Cholesterol Reduction Complex that lowers cholesterol naturally – with an FDA approved claim to do so!

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