Resveratrol Research for Pancreatic Cancer, Hearts, Bones, Eyes & Muscle

Destroy Pancreatic Cancer Cells.  Counter the effects of aging on our Hearts.  Our Bones.  Our Eyes.  And Our Muscles.  Can resveratrol make a difference? Billions of dollars are being spent right now studying resveratrol and how this natural antioxidant found in grapes skins and red wine can help us prevent the diseases of aging, and live longer, better quality lives.  Most of this money is focused on a pharmaceutical product that is at best probably 5 years away.  We do have a natural resveratrol supplement, a cellular anti-aging tonic, available right now and what a head start we can have in the new exciting world of resveratrol.

In 2008, the University of Rochester released the results of a study on resveratrol and how it can help destroy pancreatic cancer cells.  We talked before about how resveratrol can impact the key mechanisms of aging, one of these key mechanisms of aging being mitochondria (the cell’s core energy source) in the cells.  In the study, resveratrol was found to cripple the function of these cancer producing cells.

Study results posted on included this statement:  “The findings, published July 3, 2008, in Cell Metabolism, may increase interest in resveratrol as a possible intervention for age-related declines, said NIA scientists. The authors emphasized, however, that their findings are based on research in mice, not in humans, and have no immediate and direct application to people, whose health is influenced by a variety of factors beyond those which may be represented in the animal models.”

In July, 2008, A Harvard University study conducted and supported in part by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institutes of Health, found that resveratrol slows age-related deterioration and functional decline of mice on a standard diet.  This study is a follow-up to 2006 findings that resveratrol improves health and longevity of overweight, aged mice.

A review of the study that was posted on  I found the following very interesting and potentially a huge help for so many folks:   “A major finding of the study reported today is that resveratrol prevented age-related and obesity-related cardiovascular functional decline in the mice as determined by several parameters. Total cholesterol was significantly reduced in 22-month-old non-obese mice after 10 months of resveratrol treatment, although triglyceride levels had only a slight, non-significant trend toward a decrease. Further, the aortas of 18-month-old obese and non-obese mice treated with resveratrol functioned significantly better than untreated mice.  Resveratrol also moderated inflammation in the heart.”

There have been many scientific research studies on resveratrol, and they are ongoing.  In addition, we have hundreds of resveratrol products that have been put on the market.  The problem is that many (maybe most) are not manufactured by companies that do their own research on resveratrol, nor are they a formulation that will actually be assimilated by the body and be able to produce desired results without unwanted side effects.  For example, on such side effect is a digestive issue with some resveratrol products.  This is due to a lower quality product and an ingredient source that is not pure.

Our brand has spent years of their own research on resveratrol, and partnered with the world’s foremost anti-aging scientist who works for Harvard University, to develop a unique resveratrol blend that also includes polyphenols from a super grape.  This muscadine super grape has an extra chromosome that no other grape has, and that is associated with anti-aging.  The combination, similar to many of this brand’s products that are complexes, or blends of synergistic ingredients, enhances the performance of all ingredients.

To learn more about Vivix, visit the world’s only cellular anti-aging tonic.

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