Spring Fever, the Body, and the Mind

Recently I read that Spring Fever is a physiological and psychological shift in the body’s response to changing seasons. I know that here in the north east, it is always such a welcome feeling. After a long, cold winter, any signs of spring feel absolutely wonderful. This year we have even had a taste of summer-like sun and temperatures in late March/early April (and we are thankful!!).

We did have a breeze today, but it was warm air blowing 🙂

Spring fever is discussed in stories, love poems, and of course every day conversation. Feelings associated with spring fever are: restlessness, excitement, even increased energy; and so it is related to our health in both the head and the body!

It seems that people most affected by the feelings of spring fever are those who live in places where winter is cold and the warmer air is such a welcome relief, and even a hopeful sign of good things to come.

A while ago I wrote about Seasonal Affective Disorder. Doctors have stated and people who suffer from it know that there is definite improvement in symptoms when spring arrives.

If you would like to read more about the body and how it is affected by spring fever, here is a Spring Fever article at suite101.com.