Benefits of Vitamins

healthy vitamins

I have believed in the benefits of vitamins for a long time, specifically when I became interested in what I could do personally to improve my health naturally – around age 20.

It is not news that you should be taking a vitamin. Most national organizations that monitor our health agree that we all need vitamins because most of us don’t get all the nutrients we need from the food we eat.

I don’t eat perfect but I am mindful of what I eat and I know that I am not getting all the nutrients that I need if I want optimal health.

The best health is way better than OK health because the difference is how you FEEL every day.

A new study was just done on medical doctors who take multi-vitamins. This particular study was done on male doctors and the results verified the benefits of vitamins.

Two cancers did not seem to be affected: colon and prostate. Risk of getting all other cancers were reduced. This was a very positive study, though not surprising to me.

Food supplements have many health benefits. Today, most diseases of aging, such as heart disease and diabetes, are primarily preventable. Diet, lifestyle, and taking vitamins and other beneficial nutrients daily can reduce your risk and help you stay healthy.

The problem is that most of us do not get enough nutrition from our daily food. We might be overfed, yet we are under-nourished.

I am not surprised when I see the results of a study like the one recently done with the medical doctors. We already have the 20 year Landmark Study that showed us we have markedly better health when we take vitamins long-term, and in this study more than a daily multi-vitamin.

Here’s an audio recording that shares more about the benefits of vitamins, and includes quite a bit of information that you may not know and is interesting to learn to help stay healthy.

Audio presentation about nutrition:  Click this link and it will open in a new window for you to listen.

Learning about vitamins also helps you decide which individual nutrients might benefit you or that you need to supplement more in your daily nutrition.

When you decide on a type of vitamin to take, and even a brand, consider that synthetic vitamins are chemicals. A brand should be able to prove that their products are all-natural – the closest to the way you will find nutrients in food as possible.

To learn more about the #1 Natural Nutrition Company in the United States, that guarantees all-natural products that are proven to provide you better health, visit: Benefits of Vitamins.

Vitalizer:  80 nutrients in one daily strip of 6 tablets. Proven to build better health.