Energy For Workout: Talking More with Tour de ‘Toona Racers

Lots of energy for workout is required to power through some long bicycle races and racers know what works best for them. We want to thank Jennifer, Jessica and Jamie for talking with us about their strategies.

Athletes who compete at these high levels and train year round must learn how to take care of their bodies including nutrition, energy needs, hydration and muscle recovery. The weekend warrior fares best to do the same so that physical activity doesn’t set you back or even make you sore – the goal is to improve health and quality of life and knowing what to feed your body goes a long way toward that goal.

Here are some videos shot before Saturday’s long distance race at the local Tour de ‘Toona in Central PA.

Tour de ‘Toona Racer Jennifer talks about energy for racing:

Tour de ‘Toona Racer Jessica talks about energy for racing:

Tour de ‘Toona Racer Jamie talks about energy for racing:

Energy is the ‘Before’ workout part of sports nutrition (see links to articles about Before, During & After below – including scientific information about why your body needs sports nutrition).  The very easy, very convenient, and very powerful energy source we use are ENERGY CHEWS from the Shaklee Corporation. There are no artificial ingredients in the chews and they don’t contain high amounts of caffeine, calories or sugar. Natural energy in a bag of chews that can go everywhere and anywhere with you. Plus Energy Chews also promote better focus, alertness and even improved mood (great for the WORK DAY in addition to WORKOUTS!!).

*Until July 31, 2011 there is a Sports Nutrition Special that is awesome – with $75 worth of free sports nutrition products on qualifying orders. See the tab in the top left sidebar of this page.

To learn more about Shaklee Sports Nutrition, click on the Sports Nutrition tab above, and also visit our three recent posts here on the blog that talk about the ‘Before’ (energy), ‘During’ (hydration) and ‘After’ (muscle recovery) workouts: energy for workout, hydration, and food for muscle recovery.

For anyone interested in some cycling information, here is some Cycling terminology:

    • Attack. A sudden attempt to get away from another rider.
    • Blocking. When a rider tries to get in other riders’ way. This is a part of a team strategy to slow down other cyclists to allow other team members to get ahead in a breakaway.
    • Bridge the Gap. When a rider – or group of riders – tries to reach a group farther ahead.
    • Breakaway. When a group of riders get ahead of the pack (or peloton)
    • Cadence. Pedaling rate.
    • Chasers. Riders who are attempting to “bridge the gap” in attempting to catch the lead group.
    • Circuit. A track that is ridden more than one time during a race.
    • Criterium. A bike race in which cyclists ride on a circuit for a specified length of time or distance.
    • Drafting. Riding closely behind another rider in order to get into their slipstream. The lead rider expends up to 30 percent more energy than the following rider.
    • Drop. Getting left behind or losing contact with the group of riders.
    • Field. The main group of riders – also called the pack or peloton.
    • Force the Pace. When a rider goes harder than the rest of the pack to increase the pace.
    • Gap. The distance between groups or individuals.
    • Hammering. Steady, strenuous pedaling.
    • Hook. When riders use their wheels to hit rider(s) behind them – may be intentional or accidental.
    • Jump. A sudden acceleration, most often at the start of a sprint.
    • Kick. The final burst of speed in a race.
    • Mass Start. When all racers begin at the same time.
    • Pack. The main group of riders – also called the. field or peloton.
    • Peloton. The main group of racers – also called the field or the pack.
    • Prime (pronounced “preem”). This “race within a race” gives cyclists the chance to win a prize for being the first to complete a specific lap.
    • Slipstream. The air pocket created by a moving rider. Other riders “draft” in the slipstream to conserve energy.
    • Sprint. A burst of speed to finish the race – usually involving more than one rider.
    • Take a flyer. When a rider heads out in front of the pack, usually alone.

Thanks to for this info.