Green Cleaner Update: 5000 BOTTLES of Window Cleaner Eliminated from Landfills with each 16 oz bottle of Basic concentrate

Yes! Really! One 16 oz bottle of Super Concentrated and Streak-Free cleaner makes 5000 bottles of window cleaner.

Think about it, why should we ship water around the country. Most of the bottle of any window cleaner is plain old water. Why not put our own water in the bottle?

Not only are we saving bottles from ending up in the landfills, we are saving carbon emissions with saving all that transporting.

The Basic* cleaner that comes inside the GET CLEAN-ER Starter Kit, also works as a multi-purpose cleaner. It would save hundreds of bottles of a product like Fantastik. Now, don’t forget about the COST savings. Those 5000 bottles of window cleaner at about $3.00 per bottle compared to ONE 16 oz Basic* bottle – well, you do the math!

The Starter Kit is packed with a whole lot of CLEAN. It will clean everything from your dishes (any job in the kitchen) to your laundry and all through your house.

Last Thursday, on the Fox morning program that aired in Seattle Washington, these cleaners were featured, along with some demonstrations.

You can view the presentation right on the Channel 13Fox website: Channel 13 Fox website -Just CLICK on the Play arrow.

Plus, you are not only helping the earth, your outside environment, you are helping your indoor environment – your home. And you are helping the people who live in that home – you and your family.

You are taking the harmful toxins and chemicals out of the air so that you are not breathing them anymore. These chemicals and toxins get into our bodies and can create all kinds of health problems.. including allergies, asthma, other respiratory problems, reproductive disorders, even cancer.

What is scary also is that this happens over a long period of time, so most of us are not even aware what is happening in our bodies. Of course those with allergies and asthma have daily symptoms, but some of the other illnesses do not hit right away.

Ok.. so we are helping the environment, we are creating a healthier home – but DO THE PRODUCTS WORK?

The company has been manufacturing cleaning products for its 50 YEAR history. Even when most other health and wellness companies had to discontinue cleaning products because of the cost of manufacture and delivery, Shaklee Independent Distributors are proud to say that this company’s commitment to the environment is as strong as ever. The new Get Clean-er Starter Kit was just introduced last fall, putting the stamp on that commitment.

Shaklee Independent Distributors are also proud to announce that this company went to the time and expense of TESTING the individual cleaning products against other major (popular) brands. It wasn’t surprising to many, many loyal users that each Get Clean-er product tested performed as well OR BETTER than those other brands that have the harmful toxins.

I can say after using the products for about 25 years that they are Super Safe and Super Easy to use. As you can see in the demonstration, Sloan Barnett (wife of company owner Roger Barnett) used her bare hands to use a product that cleans the nasty jobs of soap scum and over gunk!

The best way to answer the question, DO THEY WORK?, is to try the products. With a 100% money back guarantee behind them (and behind EVERY Shaklee Independent Distributor product), there is nothing to lose.

The shine and CLEAN you get from these products is something you are going to like very much – enough to be ‘SOLD’ from your first cleaning with them!

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