Our CEO to tour country in effort to reach 1 Million people

Let’s take a step aside from the primarily healthy benefits of natural nutrition content on this website, and talk about another worthy benefit we have, and that is the ability to offer people who want it or need it, the opportunity to join us, share this brand that helps so many folks, and receive some income benefits that can truly help in the challenging economy we have today.

After attending the World Economic Forum in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland last week, our CEO has announced a country wide Infinite Possibilities Tour next week in our effort to reach 1 Million people in 2009 to offer a home business opportunity with a company that is growing. Despite the bleak atmosphere at the forum this year, and the fact that many companies world-wide are struggling, our business is growing. We are part of SIX major growth trends that are trended to continue growing.

Health, wellness, anti-aging, the green movement, safe and effective weight loss, and the opportunity to earn income from home are all desirable industries on their own, and we have them all.

Below is a flyer so that you can see how this can impact people who need income right away. For the first time in company history, they have implemented a weekly pay option where part of the traditional monthly income is paid out on a weekly basis to get new business owners in immediate cash flow. The balance is still paid out monthly and the numbers on this example page can be duplicated over and over again. Have a look:


If there is an Infinite Possibilities Tour meeting in your town, I encourage you to download the invitation below, put my name – VICKI ZERBEE – on that invitation as the person who invite YOU, and attend this meeting that is sure to be entertaining as well as informative. The featured speaker is our own CEO and I have been fortunate enough to personally hear all three successful business associates who are traveling with him.. they are fantastic!










An extra ONE MILLION DOLLARS is being paid out in the first quarter of 2009, above and beyond all regular earnings with this company, for anyone who needs more income and is willing to accept the opportunity to build their own home business that pays out residual money forever.