To buy Organic OR Not to buy Organic?

There was an article today in the Personal Journal section of the Wall Street Journal.  The subject was buying Organic foods.  Specifically, the content was about when buying organic makes sense and when it doesn’t.

Food buying in general has become a tough task.  This is especially true when you are trying to eat healthy.

We hear and read a lot in the news about eating healthy.  When we get to the store, it is very confusing.  Reading labels and choosing products when there is so much available.  What is really good?  What makes sense economically?  How can I do the best for my family?

There are pricey organic versions of many foods today.  Some are willing to pay the fat prices because they think they are doing a good thing for themselves and/or their family.  What the article boiled down to is not really news.  The thing is that we have to do our homework, just like in anything else.  It isn’t easy, but in the end if you want results, it is worth it.

There does seem to be some foods that are worth paying the extra price that is usually associated with the organic label, and then there are times when that option isn’t worth the extra funds required.  One example is with fruit.  The author’s research provided information that suggests apples, peaches, bell peppers, strawberries, imported grapes, spinach, lettuce, potatoes and carrots may have higher levels of pesticides in conventional versions, and so organic might just make sense with these products.  In contrast, broccoli, bananas, frozen sweet peas, frozen corn, asparagus, avacados, and onions seem to have levels of pesticides that are low even in conventional versions, and so buying organic might not be a smart buy if these products are in fact more pricey.

It might be worth your effort to pick up a copy of the Wall Street Journal to read this two-page article yourself.  If you are wanting to make these kinds of decisions, it is important to gather research material.  I will make a copy if you find yourself reading this article at some point in the future when it may not be possible to access it.  You might search online for it, or contact me and I can make you a copy.

There are always great food supplement choices with products from Shaklee Distributors.  These products are Real Food and always formulated as close to the way you would find them in nature as possible.