Buy D Vitamin Supplements: Do You Need Extra Vitamin D?

“If I could pick one vitamin to push to everybody, it’s Vitamin D!”  -Dr. Oz
“If Vitamin D were a drug, its benefits would make it the most popular ever!”  -Bill Sardi, Medical Writer and Author
The most common medical condition in the WORLD, with often devastating and even
fatal consequences, is Vitamin D deficiency. This disease affects OVER 200 MILLION
people in North America alone! NOW, YOU should NOT be one of them! TAKING

Vitamin D* is the buzz word right now in the natural health world!

symptoms of vitamin d deficiency

“If I could pick one vitamin to push to everybody, it’s Vitamin D!”  -Dr. Oz

Up to 85% of Americans may be low or deficient in Vitamin D. That’s a pretty significant number. And as we always discuss, when thinking about supplementing our diets with ANY kind of vitamin, you need to do your own research, make sure that the brand you trust does their own research, and that you end up with a healthy, high quality form of the nutrient that’s going to give you the benefits you need.

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Recent News

Just a couple of weeks ago in the news was a story about supplementing with Vitamin D being harmful to you because it could damage your muscles. The interesting thing to note as you read the article is that it’s about supplementing with Vitamin D2 and how that can actually lower the Vitamin D3 levels in your body.

The good thing to know here is that we have always supplemented with Vitamin D3 – another reason why we trust our brand to know the RIGHT form of a vitamin to provide that is healthy and beneficial to so many of us that do need Vitamin D3. 

Have you ever asked your doctor about the current Vitamin D research and clinical studies that are being published?  Have you been reading the different information about Vitamin D that can be found in newspapers, magazines, journals, and online?  And how about news shows, talk shows and other television or internet events?

There is research we can trust that shows increasing the amount of Vitamin D in the body can prevent or help treat a remarkable number of ailments:




Back Pain


(Breast, Colon, Prostate)

Chronic Fatigue

Dental Problems




Heart Disease

High Blood Pressure


Kidney Disease



Muscle Cramps




Seasonal Affects Disorder


If you live north of Los Angeles you may need MORE sunshine or more vitamin D, especially during the winter months.

Recently, it seems that one of the most common medical conditions, that can result in anything from annoying symptoms to devastating and even fatal consequences, is Vitamin D deficiency.  The video below, with Dr. Oz and Diane Sawyer, there is an interesting discussion about how many Americans are affected and why you should think about a Vitamin D.

Some takeaways:

100 Million Americans Including Children Have Vitamin D Deficiencies

Not sure about you but I really like watching the Dr. Oz show. I learn something new every single time I watch! To hear doctors talk about natural health, and the many benefits of vitamins and minerals, is still not a common occurrence, however I believe that the health industry is going to need to go more in the direction of preventive and building better health so that we can reduce the amount of illness and disease that we currently aren’t able to successfully treat.

Vitamins, minerals and all nutrients are pretty powerful forces that can help us keep good health. They are also very complex. Nutrients have different roles in our bodies and multiple benefits. Vitamin D3 can help us regulate blood pressure, prevent cancers, boost our immune system and also support bone health. Deficiencies can do all kinds of damage.

You may be surprised that there are 100 million Americans deficient in Vitamin D. With that many people affected, there’s a good chance your levels might be low. The way you find out, as Dr. Oz states, is to have your blood pressure checked.

One thing I didn’t realize is that Vitamin D is fat soluble, and because it is the fat in your body will ‘suck it up’ and take it out of your system, resulting in low Vitamin D levels. With the rates of overweight and obesity so high, deficiencies can continue to affect people if you don’t supplement to bring your levels up.

“If Vitamin D were a drug, its benefits would make it the most popular ever!”  -Bill Sardi, Medical Writer and Author

Researchers recommend that if you get at least 10 minutes of summer sunshine 3 to 4 times a week, it may be enough to help your body create the vitamin D that it needs. There are factors to consider though: the position of the sun, the time of day, whether you are wearing sunscreen.

In the last few years, doctors have been giving more and more people the news that their blood tests are showing Vitamin D deficiencies. It’s easy and almost a “no-brainer” – given the health benefits shown above – to take a small white pill (or 2 if you need extra Vitamin D3) every day. You can’t get much easier than that, and there are no side effects. Plus the Shaklee brand is 100% guaranteed!

“ Increasing the amount of Vitamin D in the body can prevent or help treat a remarkable number of ailments, from obesity to arthritis, from high blood pressure to back pain, from diabetes to muscle cramps, from upper respiratory tract infections to infectious diseases, and from fibromyalgia to cancers of the breast, colon, pancreas, prostate and ovaries.  It can safeguard pregnancy, support ideal weight management, reduce abnormal cell growth and stave off infection and chronic diseases! Who would not want these benefits?!”       -Dr Andrew Weil, M.D., in his forward to the book The Vitamin D Solution

To buy from the #1 Natural Nutrition Company in the United States:  visit Vitamin D.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

NOTE:  See WHY to buy d vitamin supplements from the #1 Natural Nutrition Company in America – and why not to buy just any brand in the store:  WHY SHAKLEE.

1 thought on “Buy D Vitamin Supplements: Do You Need Extra Vitamin D?”

  1. Pingback: Vitamin D Shines Beyond Bone Health

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